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Every donation is faster after your first

Every donation is faster after your first

Return visits average around 90 minutes. Plus, you can skip the kiosk line by completing your health questionnaire online or in our app before your next visit. You’ll receive a CSL Pass that streamlines the check-in process. Download the app today to get started.

Your second donation makes all the difference

Your second donation makes all the difference

Because of our strict safety and quality standards, we can’t use your first plasma donation until your second is complete. So your return visit is the one that really counts. Plus, you’ll get that much closer to your new donor bonus while you’re at it.

iGive Rewards app

Download the CSL Plasma app and join iGive Rewards

Get more out of every donation. Activate your iGive Rewards account after your first donation and start earning additional cash back today. Rewards can be earned by donating, referring friends, taking part in donation center promotions and completing surveys.

Download the app and:

  • Set your next plasma donation reminder
  • Track your rewards
  • Get updates and learn about local promotions

Ready to donate today?

Take our online health screening ahead of time and skip the wait.