Complete an Online Health Screening Before Your Plasma Donation

Engineered for your safety. Avoid the kiosk lines, complete CSL Plasma's Self-Administered Health History (SAHH) questionnaire online.

How Online Screening Works (powered by Donor360)

  • Complete the questionnaire on the day of your donation*
  • Complete the questionnaire independently
  • Receive a QR code upon completion
  • Show your QR code to center staff upon arrival**

Important Note: Please read the following document prior to beginning the online SAHH questionnaire.

  • Online Self-Administered Health History Questionnaire Instructions

Get Started

Download our new CSL Plasma app for access OR start your health history questionnaire now by clicking the button below.

FAQs About Online Screening

On March 27, 2023, the Donor360 online health history questionnaire application was upgraded and enhanced. This requires all plasma donors who use Donor360 for Online Screening to create a new user account.

NOTE: This version continues to support the Safari and Google Chrome browsers on Apple and Android devices, with later versions of the devices’ operating systems (OS versions implemented in the last two years) installed. This upgrade and change is for Donor360 login only and not for your CSL Plasma Donor App login which will remain the same.

Why do I need to create a new Donor360 account?

  • Creating a user account for Donor360 makes it easier to use the app for donations going forward – once linked to the user account, Donor Lookup information does not need to be entered again on subsequent days, and the QR code generated upon completion of the questionnaire is more easily retained. The new version of Donor360 also shows you the cumulative number of donations you’ve completed and total payments you’ve received in NexLynk DMS at CSL Plasma.
  • Please note this login process is different from the login process for the CSL Plasma donor app or CSL Plasma donor web login. You will have a separate login account for Donor360 from these other applications.

How do I create a Donor360 account?

  • Click "Start" on the Donor360 homepage.
  • Click "I agree" and then "Create account" (you may need to scroll the screen on your phone down to see the “Create account” link).
  • You may choose to link an existing Google, Facebook, or Apple account to Donor360, or create a new user account using your email (recommended). To create a new user account using your email, enter your email address, username, and password, and then click "Create account".
  • A confirmation code will be sent to your email. Enter the confirmation code provided in the email into Donor360 and then click "Confirm".
  • On the "Donor Lookup" screen, enter your information.
    • Note: This process only needs to be completed once. Accessing Donor360 on subsequent days will bring you directly to the "Start Questionnaire" screen.

I've forgotten my Donor360 account password

  • Reset your password by navigating to the Donor360 login page and clicking "Reset Password".

How long do I stay signed in to my Donor360 account?

  • You will remain signed in to Donor360 on your device for 30 days, after which time you can sign back into it again with your email address or username and password, or social media.

Only donors that already have a record created in the center’s donor system will be able to complete the online health history questionnaire.

You must enter all 5 fields to exactly match the information you provided to the center’s donor system, including first name, last name, gender, the identification type provided at the center and the last 5 digits of the identification number.

Regardless of the language choice selected in Donor360, it will launch the questionnaire based upon your language preference entered in DMS. The Spanish (Español) option is for donors that only speak Spanish.


Visit your local center and see staff for further explanation.

*A CSL Pass must be produced each time you donate, on the day of your donation. Not valid for future donation dates.

If you are unable to produce your QR code, you will be required to complete the SAHH questionnaire at a kiosk upon arrival.

**You will proceed directly to the Health Screening line.